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Why Choose Us
La India Packing Co.,Inc. Since 1924, provides specialty spices, herbs and seasonings and delicious Mexican chocolate. Wholesale and retail. Ship World wide. The "Tasting Room Cafe" is located on site. Serves delicious mesquite grilled fare. THE COMPANY HAS GROWN TO A FULL FLEDGE SPICE AND HERBS DISTRIBUTOR IN SOUTH COVERING HOUSTON, DALLAS, AUSTIN, FORT WORTH AND THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY and Laredo and ships worldwide.
Herbs and Spices
We are a leading distributor of herbs and spices and manufacturer of high quality seasonings in south Texas.
The Tasting Room Café
Features teas, coffees and our famous hot Mexican chocolate. Perfect for lunch or merienda!
Keep Your Family Healthy
Improve your health through nutrition and herbal products, from controlling diabetes to weight loss.
Become a Reseller
Increase your bottom line by selling our products. Become a partner of La India, territories available.

Our Latest Blogs
La India Packing Co. in Laredo, Texas – A Modest Palace of Spices
Honest Cooking has given La India an honest look at our establishment products and history.
Meet Your Texas Makers: La India Packing Co.
La India has been featured as a part of Texas Highway's travel magazine!

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